Why a Skincare Consultation is so Important
As a certified skincare consultant and facial therapist, my goal is to help you understand your skin. I do this by looking at: your skin type (do you know this?), what you feel your skin issues are (I may see one thing, but what do you see – what bothers you?), the products you are currently using and the ingredients (are the products you are using helping you to achieve your skin goals? What are the ingredients in these products?), lifestyle (what do you do for work, do you work outside or inside, how stressful is your currently lifestyle), diet (this is BIG ONE and more dermatologists are starting to look at how your diet can impact your skin), and more.
Stress and Your Skin
Stress is unavoidable and what it looks like for one person, it may not look like for another. However, one thing is for sure, it impacts our skin greatly since what is happening inside our bodies is a direct correlation to what we see outside of our bodies.