Using Collagen to Improve your Skin during the Winter

Hey moms, are you excited for Winter, because honestly, I am NOT.  Winter is not my favourite time of the year.  It’s cold, snowy, everything feels so dry … winter is so hard on your skin and besides making sure you are hydrating, double moisturizing (or using a thicker moisturizer), you can also use collagen to help with your skin.  So now that I have told you about collagen here are some reasons why you should consider taking a Type I Collagen as part of your skincare routine.

  • Since skin is prone to dryness during the winter, collagen can help increase the skin’s water retention. 

  • Collagen can help improve your skin’s elasticity which helps with all those cracked and rough patches on your skin. 

  • Say no to brittle nails.  Collagen helps with nail growth and strength.

So why take a Type 1 Collagen?  Because Type 1 Collagen makes up 90% of your body’s collagen and it is found naturally in the body

Adding a collagen supplement is an important part of your skincare routine to consider.  If you want more information about taking a collagen supplement, please email me and remember, this is for informational purposes only.  I cannot diagnose or cure you but would love to help you the best way I can, so email me here if you have more questions.

Luvurlōk Beauty Bar

Luvurlōk is a mom-inspired Canadian skincare brand that promotes confidence, radiance and beauty to all moms learning self-care through skincare.

I work with each beautiful and amazing mom by helping her realize that skincare isn't daunting and self-care important. It's all about having the right products, support and encouragement to achieve your goalst!

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Stress and Your Skin