Summer is gone, Fall is here, Winter is coming and I still don't have a skincare routine...

So, if you are anything like me, you start with great intentions January 1st.  You decided that as a mom, you will take more time for yourself, you will lose that extra [insert number] pounds and you will start to take better care of your skin.  You have the most amazing plans…even may have written it down or journaled it (Vision Board anyone).  We ALWAYS promise ourselves that we will start the new year right, focusing on ourselves, however, slowly but surely you fall back into old habits.  Next thing you know, you blink, and September is right around the corner, and you STILL don’t have that skincare routine you promised yourself.  I cannot tell you how many moms have passed through my treatment room saying the same.  As a fellow mom, you are not alone, so let me give you some tips and tricks to help you start that skincare routine so that you have a great summer to fall transition.

Tip #1 – STOP guessing your skin type.  Go and see a skincare specialist or facial therapist NOW.  I cannot tell you how many moms come into my treatment room because they have puzzle pieced their skincare routine through YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc.  Stop guessing.  You are doing way more harm to your skin than you realize.

Tip #2 – Once you know your skin type, buy the appropriate ingredients for them.  Understanding your skin will help you understand the ingredients that you are using.  Also, be sure to not guess at this.  It’s okay to text, email or even send a calling pigeon to your skincare specialist or facial therapist.  Trust me, they want to help you.  The alternative is…repairing your skin…ALL THE TIME

Tip #3 – Understand that you have to start off slow and build up to a more comprehensive routine.  If you are someone who has never skincared (yup, I created a new word) before, you have to go slow and steady.  You are not going to become a pro overnight.  It will take time for you to build up to doing a 20 step routine (if that’s what you want to do).  So stick to a basic 4 step routine for now and (surprise surpise) check in with your skincare specialist or facial therapist every time you want to introduce a new step.

Tip #4 – Understand how the weather impacts your skin type and skin condition.  Refer to Tip #1 and Tip #2.  You gotta see your skincare specialist or facial therapist because you CANNOT do this on your own.  The biggest things I see in the treatment room is when moms have to typically work on repairing the skincare barrier because Tips 1 and 2 were not followed.  They just kept guessing until the skin has become sensitized (and sometimes raw), that we have to do major damage control (and this can take from 2 weeks to a couple of months or even longer, depending on a number of factors).

Tip #5 – Understand when you need to introduce (or reduce) skincare products as the weather changes.  First thing that comes to mind is that the cold weather brings in drier lips and faces…so perhaps a heavier moisturizer and lip balm will need to be considered during the winter months.

I know as moms we consider ourselves superwomen and that we can do it all, but I encourage all moms to consider this as time when you can pamper yourself and also receive great education behind skincare.  This is where you make it a point to ensure that you have as many skincare tools in the tool box as possible – through proper education and training by a skincare professional.  Click here if you are interested in booking a Skin Discovery with me.  It’s never too late and now is better than never.

Luvurlōk Beauty Bar

Luvurlōk is a mom-inspired Canadian skincare brand that promotes confidence, radiance and beauty to all moms learning self-care through skincare.

I work with each beautiful and amazing mom by helping her realize that skincare isn't daunting and self-care important. It's all about having the right products, support and encouragement to achieve your goalst!

Honey and Skincare


September is Self-Improvement Month